Friday, January 24, 2020

Bach and Schoenberg Essay -- Music

J. S. Bach was the first known composer to use a literal representation of his name in his music. He used the chromatic motive B-A-C-H , that is, B-flat, A, C, B-natural in American theoretical language in Contrapunctuas XIV from the Art of Fugue. Although Bach left this fugue unfinished, the third and last subject of the fugue was the B-A-C-H motive that composers after Bach have used to pay tribute to the great composer. There are a number of composers; including: Schumann, Liszt, Reger, Busoni, Schoenberg, and Webern, who have used the B-A-C-H theme in their works; varying the way they employed it to make it part of their personal style. NEED SCHUMANN, LISZT, REGER INTRODUCTION SENTENCES. In 1910, Busoni created one of most famous works, Fantasia Contrappuntistica, that "finished" Bach's unfinished fugue; the theme is easily noticeable in contrapuntal form. In 1923, the year Schoenberg created his twelve-tone method, he composed op. 25 Suite FÃ ¼r Klavier, which employs his tonal row in inversion, the B-A-C-H motive. In 1937-38, a student of Schoenberg and a purveyor of serialism, Webern used a tonal row beginning with the B-A-C-H motive to create his piece Streichquartett, op 28. Each of the three modern composers uses this theme differently but they each have used these four notes to create a piece that connects each of them to Bach in a unique way. In Fuga a 3 Soggetti (Contrapunctus XIV) from the Art of Fugue; Bach first presented two whole fugues with separate subjects before beginning the signature-subject . The subject begins with the four notes B flat, A, C, and B natural in a chromatic pattern that is easily recognized. As can be seen below, he quickly matches his subject in the tenor with a real answer at a fi... ...e is a key factor of serialism and Webern is able pull this off while maintaining the B-A-C-H theme in his row. Annotated Bibliography ARSIS Audio: CD168." ARSIS Audio. Web. 01 Oct. 2009. Electronic Bach, J.S. "Contrapunctus XIX: Fuga a 3 sogetti". Art of Fugue. Electronic Bailey, Kathryn . "Webern, Anton." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. 9 Nov. 2009. Electronic Busoni, Ferruccio. "Fuga III". Fantasia Contrappuntistica. Print. Neighbour, O.W. "Schoenberg, Arnold." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. 9 Nov. 2009. Electronic. Sitsky, Larry. Busoni and the Piano: The Works, The Writings, and the Recordings. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986. Print. Schoenberg, Arnold. Suite FÃ ¼r Klavier, Op.25. Wien: Universal Edition. Print. Webern, Anton. Streichquartett, Op. 28 / #c Webern. Wien: Universal Edition. Print.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Critical thinking skill Essay

Learning, according to the Wikipedia, is the knowledge acquired through study, experience or being thought. Parents often think that learning only takes place in the school area for their children, where the information that are being thought to their child are sufficient for them to be able to get a good grades. For me, this is not true. Effective learning also takes place beyond the school, in so many cases. Every person should be learning more from real life than in the class room. All knowledge are being junked inside a student’s brain by only the specific subject thought by the teachers, and not from a real-life experience. Personal experience is essential for every human kind to obtain knowledge that cannot be forgotten. For instance, in an early age, the teacher would teach students about animals. The students can never forget the knowledge if they are being brought to a zoo and see them in real life compare to the the information given in the class. Knowledge that are given by a life-experience, will remain in one’s memory, and will never be loss. Students should be able to use their critical thinking skill to answer various kind of questions, on the spot. This skill is necessary for students to be able to be successful in modern life in general. If this skills are not being teach in a public school system, then the system, by definition, is failing. Critical thinking is best learnt outside the classroom, where students can actually develop their brain by responding to (†¦ idk how to explain) For example,, which is a news-blog, said that students can gain more critical thinking by watching a television, rather than being inside a classroom. By watching the daily show with Jon Stewart, students can form a pile information and interactions that do not comes from a tight school’s environment. This shows that effective learning, in this case critical thinking, do takes place outside the school.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay on Black Theology - 1522 Words

The development of Black Theology in the United was one that shocked the nation as a whole. While in slavery, Blacks had to sneak and hold church services. This was partly because Whites felt that Blacks were not able to be accepted into heaven, and they believed that once one as a Christian they could no longer be enslaved. So to appease their conscience they would not allow Blacks to take part in theology. Due to these issues Black Theology soon originated within the United States. The origination of Black Theology was only cracked open by the idea of slave theology. The origination of Black Theology first began when churches began to become segregated. Many could not understand how Whites could continue to behave this way in the†¦show more content†¦The idea of Black Theology was to redefine the meaning and role of church and religion in the lives of Black people. The theology of Blacks came to be because of racism, injustice, inhumanity, and inequality. Black The ology was created out of a liberal struggle for political freedom and of the development by the black religious experience. Throughout the development of Black Theology and the black church a sensitive topic has risen. Many feel that there is a large amount of sexuality throughout the black church. Four hundreds of years a major discussion raised among people has been the issue of sexuality as well as the black church, furthermore the combined idea of sexuality in the black church. Many theologians as well as philosophers have tried to grasp and place meaning to the connection that exist as well as the problem within sexuality in the black church. Blacks are known as sexual beings so obviously one would assume that there is an association of sexuality in the African church. This idea is even seen in a black church worship experience. In a black worship experience the pastor is seen as a â€Å"ministerial Casanova† who sends ambivalent messages to the congregation speaki ng the ills of adulterous relationships. But then he proceeds to pursue a relationship with one of the congregation members. Many argue that we need to recover erotic uses our black bodies. In the book Sexuality and the Black ChurchShow MoreRelatedBlack Liberation Theology Essay1864 Words   |  8 PagesBlack Liberation Theology can be defined as the relationship that blacks have with god in their struggle to end oppression. It sees god as a god of history and the liberator of the oppressed from bondage. Black Liberation theology views God and Christianity as a gospel relevant to blacks who struggle daily under the oppression of whites. Because of slavery, blacks concept of God was totally different from the masters who enslaved them. 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